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Thursday, 31 October 2013

Phonebloks Moves to Pre-Alfa : Meet Motorola 'Project Ara'


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More Open World !

The world is becoming more open and open with every day. With thousands of community supported open source projects  being developed all around the world the technology is reaching people like never before. After programming, designing and software development projects, the mobile phone hardware have also gone the open way.

After Android, Arduino Meet 'Ara'

Technology took a big leap when Android came to public views. The world of small intelligent devices was again revolutionized with the Arduino going open to masses. While the former impacted the software world later evolved the open hardware world.  Nearly a year ago, Dave Hakkens bought the philosophy of both to the mobile world and proposed a open hardware platform for mobile Phonebloks. Since  then the support for the cause has grown around the world. It seems the thoughts are taking shape as Motorola announced the first open source hardware platform for mobile 'Ara'.
The Motorola announced that they have joined hands with the phoneblok think-tank Dave Hakken  to develop a phone platform that is modular, open, customizable, and made for the entire world.  The project is led by Motorola’s Advanced Technology and Projects group which have set goals after a taking mass user input through hackthons organized top tech universities including MIT and Caltech over past years.

Phonebloks Moves to Pre-Alfa : Meet Motorola Project Ara sample phones

The giant leap : Going wide open.

The  Motorola Advanced Technology and Projects group leader Paul Eremenko said that goal is to create a standard endoskeleton, or frame, that can hold different modules, such as a battery, a physical keyboard, a screen, a camera, an extra-powerful processor or memory chips for storing more music, all based on the customer's preferences.
On its website, Phonebloks envisions an online store letting consumers read reviews of smartphone components, order custom-designed handsets and shop for new and used parts.
Further adding he gave Dave Hakkens credit for creating such a strong community and said that Motorola too have put a great technical effort to this project, both of which are necessary for such open projects. Motorola hopes to share its technical development work with Hakkens' widespread social media communities to develop   project openly and create experimental modules.

Motorola Project Ara sample phone

Give smile, Get Smile !

Motorola will be rolling out  a Module Developer's Kit (MDK) this winter, It plans to invite developers and recruit "Ara scouts" to help research and shape the project, so people can begin designing their own components for the phones. There is also something in store for  volunteers who will  bring smiles to the mobile users. Motorola also suggested that volunteers can expect an exclusive discount when the product launches and the 100 most active will be getting free phones.

What Next

The world was gone more happier when Google launched the Android platform, it revolutionized the O.S. world and with passing time the computer and smartphone world has come a long way. Today smartphone world is evolving at lightning fast pace and more and more fascinating things are coming out every day. It seems that soon mobiles  too will be too different from  as we know today.


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